Zhangbi Ancient Fortress is located in Zhangbi Village, Shanxi Province,
China. Founded in the period of Sixteen kingdoms, it has a long history more than 1600 years.

The religious architectures are distinctive in Zhangbi Ancient Fortress, and they mainly arrange in the northern and southern area of the fortress.

There are totally 21 temples built from Song to Qing dynasties. The most peculiar one is Kehan Temple, for it is extremely rare in Han nationality areas in China to worship Kehan. 

The layout of architectures in Zhangbi Ancient Fortress has a unique way to corresponds to the ancient constellation culture in China. The building and its arrangement embody the ancient concept of Yin-Yang, five Elements and geomancy.

There are 20 old courtyards built in Ming and Qing dynasty, which shows prosperity and richness during the golden age of Shanxi merchants. Folk custom culture activities, such as local Yangko without music, land boat, etc., are different with distinguishing characteristics from other places.  

As a legacy in China and even in the world, The Zhangbi Ancient Fortress has a profound influence. It is titled The Living Fossil of Ancient Village of Northern China, The Top Ten Famous and Charming Town of China, The Chinese History and Culture Village. It has been listed as national important cultural relic sites.  

The Zhangbi Ancient Fortress abutted against the north root of Mountain Mian, surrounded by deep valleys around other sides. The location and its condition make it hard to access, thus the Zhangbi Ancient Fortress has many advantages as a military fortress during the war times.

Besides, a 10000-meter underground tunnel played a key role in the past, combined with high walls, complex streets and gates in the alleys, a five-level defense system is formed.

Inspired by Zhangbi Ancient Fortress

Browse through our extensive range of gifts and treats inspired by Zhangbi Ancient Fortress, its incredible collection, and its iconic ancient Chinese style façade.The history of Chinese ancient fortress and culture is perhaps one of the most fascinating and keenly studied of all time. From fascinating architecturedecors to the mysteries of constellation, delve through our range of products inspired by Zhangbi Ancient Fortress and find T-shirts, scarves, totes and home accessories amongst many other treasures.

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Explore Zhangbi Ancient Fortress

Enjoy the introduction video of Zhangbi Ancient Fortress, with its fascinating light show.

Visit Zhangbi Ancient Castle